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Diploma requirements

Since 2022, the ENVOZ has combined the animal series ABC and the survival ABC into one diploma, so that it fits the modern way of swimming. It's fun and safe! ENVOZ has been affiliated with the IFSTA (International Federation of Swimming Teachers Association) since 1980 and therefore collaborates with countries such as Australia, England, India, USA and Hong Kong. Our courses and diplomas are therefore accepted worldwide.


The new diplomas consist of 3 levels and work according the 'traffic light method'. Level 1 (red) focuses on the basics of swimming. During level 2 (yellow), skills increase and more attention is paid to swimming safety. Level 3 (green) is reached when the swimmer is able to apply what has been learned and has the green light for this learning path. Please note, this does not mean a guarantee of safety, because it is up to the efforts of the swimmer (and people around the swimmer) to continue to practice the skills provided and to continue swimming regularly in order to maintain the level of the diploma.

Curious about what exactly the requirements are for each diploma? View the diploma requirements here.

Teddy bear

Jump into the water, turn around and grab

the edge of the pool.


Swim 5 meters while on your belly using arms and legs. 


Swim 5 meters on your back using your arms and legs.


In at least 0.5 meters deep of water, pick up an object from the bottom, with the head underwater. 


Get out of the pool yourself (the stairs may be used).

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A degree

Clothing requirements:

Shirt, shorts, socks and shoes.


With extra clothes:

Jump in with a 360.

Swim under the noodle and swim 25 meters breaststroke. Climb over a mat and then swim 25 meters of single backstroke.


With swimwear:

Dive into the water and swim 3 meters underwater. Then swim 50 meters breaststroke, climb over the mat and then swim 50 meters backstroke. Climb out by yourself.


Dive into the water and float on your stomach for 3 seconds. Swim front crawl for 8 meters.


Push in with both legs and swim back crawl for 6 meters.


Jump in with a squat jump, swim 3 meters to the mat, climb on it and fall off backwards. Come up through a horizontal hoop and climb onto the side.

Jump in like a pencil and tread water for 1 minute, interrupted by sinking like a pencil by exhaling.

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B diploma

Clothing requirements:

Shirt, shorts, socks and shoes.


With extra clothes:

Jump in with a half twist and continue treading water

for 15 seconds.


Swim breaststroke for 50 meters, swim under a mat and swim single backstroke for 50 meters,.

Climb out independently.


With swimwear:

Retrieve an object from the bottom 6 meters away. Then swim (breaststroke) for 100 meters, swim through a hoop, over a mat and fall off backwards.


Swim 75 meters of single backstroke and climb out independently.


Dive into the water and float for 3 seconds, followed by a 10-meter front crawl.

Jump into the water with a squat jump, push off with both legs and float for 3 seconds. Then swim a 10-meter back crawl.

You are able to call for help from a raft and save a drowning person with a noodle.

Jump into the water with the squat jump and stay under a capsized boat for 5 seconds. Then you swim 2 meters down.

Roll into the water and continue treading water for a minute and a half, interrupted by an flotatie that you can use for 20 seconds.

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C diploma

Clothing requirements:

Long-sleeved shirt, long pants,

socks and shoes.


With extra clothes:

Fall backwards into the water and tread water for 15 seconds, then throw a ball from a distance of 2 meters away.


Swim 100 meters (breaststroke), go under and over the mat and roll into the water. Then swim 50 meters (single backstroke) with a ball. Climb out independently.


Dive (with push-off) and swim underwater (8 meters).


Pull a drowning person with a noodle to the shore at a distance of 15 meters.


Roll backwards into the water and then climb onto the side to save a drowning person with a noodle.


Jump through a hole, swim underwater to the mat, climb on it and roll over it and climb onto the side again.


With swimwear:

Swim 25 meters fast.


Enter the water with a squat jump and swim 50 meters single backstroke and back crawl, swim 35 meters breaststroke and 15 meters front crawl.


Jump into the water with a pencil jump, keep prying towards the feet for 2 meters and then start treading water. 30 seconds with both legs simultaneously, 30 seconds alternating with both legs, finally 20 seconds with arms only and climb out of the water.

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Snorkel level 1


Show the OK sign.

Show up sign.

Show down sign. 


With fins/flippers:

Put on fins/flippers on the shore and walk at least 5 meters (backwards). Enter the water and then flipper for 25 meters on your back and 25 meters on your side with one arm forward and the other along your body.

Enter the water with a dive and swim underwater for 10 meters.


With basic equipment:

Entering the water with a straddle or stride jump, followed by 50 meters of snorkeling during which you make two corner dives with the correct way to surface, empty the snorkel and continue snorkeling without lifting your head out of the water.


Enter the water with goggles and snorkel on and fins in hand. Put the fins on in the water. Then snorkel 100 meters with a correct kick cycle. Retrieve an object with an angle dive, show it and continue snorkeling.


Throw the basic equipment into the water, put everything on in the water within 1 minute and climb back out to sit on the side.

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Snorkel level 2


Show the not-OK sign (close).

Show the not-OK sign (far from water surface).

Sign for slower.

Sign for faster.


With fins/flippers:

Enter the water with a straddle/stride jump and then swim front crawl for 25 meters.

Dive into the water and swim 15 meters underwater.
Start in the water and swim 25 meters with only the snorkel.


With basic equipment:

Enter the water with goggles on. Fill the goggles half way with water and empty them again under water.


Start from the water and snorkel 25 meters with the dolphin kick.


Starting in the water snorkel for 25 meters, while swimming, remove the snorkel from the mouth, pass it over the back from one hand to the other and then put the snorkel back in the mouth and blow out. Do this twice.


Enter the water with a command jump and snorkel 50 meters. Make a corner dive and

swim underwater through 2 hoops, which are at least 4 meters apart. Then surface using the correct procedure and empty the snorkel without lifting the head from the water and continue snorkeling.

Start in the water. Snorkel 100 meters whereby 4 objects are retrieved from the bottom and placed in the snorkel net while snorkeling.


Snorkel for 25 meters using 1 fin and hold the other fin outstretched in front.

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Snorkel level 3


'I don't understand' sign.

'I'm dizzy' sign.

'Look at me'/'pay attention' sign.

Stop sign.

'Don't do that' sign.


With fins/flippers:

Start in the water and swim 50 meters (front crawl).
Dive into the water and swim 20 meters under water.


With basic equipment:

Enter the water with fins on and goggles with snorkel in hand. Go under water, put on the googles and snorkel and blow them empty, come up and show that the glasses are empty.


Start in the water. Snorkel for 50 meters with a buddy, with regular contact between the buddies and at least one contact by means of a snorkel sign.


Start in the water with a buddy and do buddy breathing for 25 meters (at least 4 times).


Enter the water and snorkel 50 meters. Climb onto a mat and roll back into the water again. Do a somersault forward.


Transport a buddy in the rescue grip over a distance of 25 meters, then

keep the buddy's face above water for 30 seconds.

Enter the water with fins and snorkeling equipment in hand, then put the equipment on in the water and snorkel for 75 meters. Retrieve an object from the bottom with an angle dive and, without surfacing, place it 6 meters further away at an agreed location.


Start in the water and snorkel 50 meters. In the meantime, take 4 PVC pipes (with bends) to the surface in at least 2 corner dives and assemble them while snorkeling.

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